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There are also talks of military juntas, civil war, and a "poor people's power."
All of this because of one man: Joseph Estrada.
Everything hangs on the balance. The situation is volatile. Every movement by the government, the opposition, the people amassed at Edsa— all will have an effect on the situation.
However, this does not mean their presence is meaningless and should be ignored. Not at all.
A massive crowd as that in Edsa may do a lot of damage. Sociologist Randy David commented last night that such charged energy has to find an outlet. A single spark will ignite the conflagration— a single inflammatory word from their leaders, and everything will tumble down.
The crowd at Edsa all have legitimate concerns. They have been ignored for so long. Unfortunately, they are being used by political figures as pawns in a chess game. The masses are being used by individuals in a massive gambit to grab power.
But the masses are not the only ones vulnerable. They are not the only ones being used.
I'm flattered. And exasperated.
Having to guess the email address of that someone is exasperating. Whenever I'm confronted by a puzzle I hack at it until I find the solution. And this puzzle is distracting me from what I'm supposed to be doing.
So, please, whoever you are out there— have pity on a poor soul like me.
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